Sunday, March 05, 2006

Remix Culture x 10

I don't know wtf numa numa is, but I do remember the first time I saw some guy lipsyncing / dancing to it online. Here is my nerd/beal comment of the day... Has remix culture (mind you I'm not sure if these are technically remixes as they aren't really changing the content so much as they are the context, non the less the meaning is being altered) always existed, but it's only now that technology is easy / cheap enough that this behaviour emerges? I propose a study of youtube concerning remix culture and what factors led to the amplification of this signal (chris shut the eff up, you are such an effing loser, don't say things like that)... Check out how many "remixes" of this song there are. This might also be an interesting study about the importance of context in relation to meaning (each video offers a new context, and thus a slightly different meaning). I think I need to start reading some less nerdy books...


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