Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
drunk in a big apple in the big apple
So then I was in NYC and the next thing I knew I had spent all my money and I was wearing white shades (can shades be white)?
But the ice cream in chinatown was beter than ever. Again we sleep little if none (until brooklyn anyway). I told paul we'd be back and asleep by 1:00. it is now 2:41 and we are really far away from where we sleep in this city. The girl three iMacs over is playing weird hip hop / pop really loud as she checks her e-mail (she s also talking on ICQ (do you remember the sound ICQ makes ..."Uh-Oh"). I'm dancing a little bit, but not enough that anyone would notice.
So go look at Pauls blog for some more coherent details. Sleep well.

But the ice cream in chinatown was beter than ever. Again we sleep little if none (until brooklyn anyway). I told paul we'd be back and asleep by 1:00. it is now 2:41 and we are really far away from where we sleep in this city. The girl three iMacs over is playing weird hip hop / pop really loud as she checks her e-mail (she s also talking on ICQ (do you remember the sound ICQ makes ..."Uh-Oh"). I'm dancing a little bit, but not enough that anyone would notice.
So go look at Pauls blog for some more coherent details. Sleep well.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Today's Word is SUPERSONIC
Any speed over the speed of sound, which is approximately 343 m/s, 1,087 ft/s, 761 mph or 1,235 km/h in air at sea level, is said to be supersonic. Speeds greater than 5 times the speed of sound are sometimes referred to as hypersonic.
This is a video is a plane being supersonic.
This is what people from 1975 thought supersonic was going to be like.
And this is JJ Fad being SUPERSONIC on BET.
This is a video is a plane being supersonic.
This is what people from 1975 thought supersonic was going to be like.
And this is JJ Fad being SUPERSONIC on BET.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I could have been dead

I've been wondering for a while what happens when someone you know, or I should say 'virtually know', dies? How would you even know that they had died? I have a few websites I check everyday, mostly blogs that are updated multiple times a day. But sometimes days go by with no posts. Are they dead? I doubt it, but you never know. Michele Gauler at the RCA did a nice thesis on what could happen to ones digital remains. I saw this project a while ago, and was reminded of it when I saw Time Machine, a new feature apple is putting in OS 10.5. I wonder if they considered this feature as a way of connecting with someone who has passed away. What will your loved ones think if they took a trip through your computer's history? I have asked several people to destroy my computer if I were to die suddenly. Not so much because I have dirty secrets I want to stay hidden away, but because I feel that my computer holds so much personal information that I would feel uncomfortable with anyone looking through it all. I would like a little folder on my computer for each one of my good friends where I could put pictures, movies, notes, and songs that were just for them. And when I go tits up (as my grandpa would say), those folders could be sent to them as a little thank you for the memories.
I just finished reading a Simplicity by John Maeda (it was very good), at the very end he tells a story about one of his students, Marc, who helps out at a shelter for poor people near the end of their lives. He noticed that these people had all their worldly possesions on one shelf beside their beds. He found that everyone had three things in common, a ring, a photo, and a momento of some kind.
Marc's conclusion was "Memories are all that matter in the end."
"When your entire life is reduced to a single shelf of curios, what memories might you enshrine? Life may be complex, but in the end, life is pretty simple if you listen to Marc." (John Maeda)
In grade ten I had an english assignment is which I had to describe what I thought heaven was, and how you could get there. I proposed that heaven was just a collection of all of your most cherished memories, and all you had to do to get there was give others more good memories than bad ones. Since then I have made a concious effort to take mental snapshots of those moments I want to keep with me. A very good friend of mine's father always encourages you to take a picture with your mind instead of a camera. I always kinda liked that...
"Wholly shit Chris, I know you haven't written on your blog in like a million years but WTF?! Chill out with all the sentimental death stuff, and the mile long posts. What, you think you Paul effing Kawai or something?"
"Ok I'm sorry, I'll chill out."
"And stop having arguments with yourself on your blog, espacially when you are sitting e in your room with the lights out..."
yeah, so "thanks for all the memories guys! I love you!!! Let's keep in touch!" -everyone's yearbook.