Monday, February 27, 2006

Ever wanted to tell The Donald what to do...

Design Resource

more resources than you can shake a stick at

fun buildings

a few architects having some fun

Unpimp yo' ad

New Volkswagen ad hits youTube. So this is a little interesting, half a million people have gone out of their way to watch the ad (at no cost to volkswagen...) Is this the future? How would advertising change if you could no longer broadcast ads, but could only post them. The only way you could get people to see your ads is by making them so good that people surf the net looking for them...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

How many time do you have to see it

An Australian company did a little test to see how well average people could draw various company logos from memory. The results are pretty interesting.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Looking through someone elses eyes

An idea for an art show... What if you could look through the eyes of famous pieces of art. Would you be able to tell what piece of art it is by how the crowd observes it? I see this as a video installation kind of thing...


A little article that will be in the new york times soon about the Toronto indie scene (ie Broken Social Scene).

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Once upon a time the sky will blow up

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blog Hacking

Alex, Paul and I are hacking our blogs like mad! Whatchu think bout that Douglas Bowman at

poems and such

So Paul says I’m not being deep enough on my blog entries of late. I’ll admit that links to pictures of stuff on cats may not offer the same level of introspection as a page of prose reflecting on the usage of one’s life. It’s still really effing funny though. So here is heart and soul in the form of a poem and a picture.

Building. Up up.
So high.
Falling. Down Down.
Black sky.
A door slams shut.
Loud Boom!
A window flies open.
Go Zoom!
Put your left foot in.
if you're happy.
write a poem.
if you're sappy.

I hope that this little excercise will silence any future comments about the depth of my entries. Hyperlinks are the new poetry anyway, so take that Hemmingway.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Did you hear the news?!?! Which ever one of the Olsen Twins had an eating disorder is sooo over it. It turns out they are going to promote Le Big Mac in France.

now imagine the picture of Harper spinning and the iPod zooming in and out...

On a scale of 1-10 how much would you hate me if you recieved an ad on your cell phone from me in the next 2 years? 10 being really hate me, 1 being really love me.

Based on music I have purchased from iTunes I am likely to want to buy the latest Kelly Clarkson album. Maybe I have more in common with the girls downstairs than I thought...

I don't particularly like cats...

aural tourism

Lohan is hypnotic

I really wish I had put this link on the consumer bulimia post... It is wonderfully hypontic.


Poutine, poutine, poutine. Oh how I miss thee...

What Frank thinks about Toronto architecture
An argument for and against the internet.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Consumer Bulimia

Consumer Bulimia

Consumer Bulimia Nervosa, more commonly known as consumer bulimia, is a spending disorder. It is a psychological condition in which the subject engages in recurrent binge spending followed by returning the the goods in order to compensate for the excessive spending on the products and to prevent being broke.
This occurs primarily on impulse buys, and is followed by feelings of guilt. This condition is often hard to spot as people with the disorder often create elaborate stories about the products poor performance to conceal their disorder.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Flipping coins

New Organization Method

This is an observation from a long long time ago. Ok not that long ago.

Today in Starbucks there was a young homeless man sitting behind me in one of the big comfy green chairs. He had a pile of coins, a crooked cigarette, and an empty thermos mug infront of him. He began to organize his coins. Not by value, or size like I always do, but by whether they landed heads or tails when he flipped them. It’s funny how it really isn’t that different than how I organize them, infact I think it would be nice if more things were organized by chance. Imagine a whole store organized by some random act. Nevermind colour, size, or genre. Once his coins were organized he lined up to get another drink. He handed over his Tim Hortons travel mug, lined with a milky foam left over from his last drink. When the Barrista started to clean it before filling it with the newly ordered drink the man began to yell. Don’t clean it! Foolish Barrista. He proceeded outside to smoke his crooked cigarette and drink his $4.28 espresso bassed steamed milk beverage. He left all his belongings beside the green chair. I guess he’s not going anywhere soon. I don’t blame him, those big green chairs are comfy.


If my advertising education has taught me anything it's that good stories should have one foot in truth and one in fiction. So this is my warning to you; be weary of what I write, I am after all only a year away from being a professional persuader.
I imagine his will be a bit like the part in High Fidelity (if you haven't seen it go to Blockbuster or whatever right now) when John Cusacks exgirlfriend's new boyfriend walks into Championship Vinyl and John, Barry and Dick go through several dream sequences of beating him senseless before we realize that they don't do anything to him. This might just turn into my dream sequence.